cover brasov ciclist 2016 10 19 a digital-1

MB03 - Cycling Trails Around BRASOV

24,65 RON

Where to buy


The map of Cycling Trails Around Brasov (MB03) is the 3rd map of the new “Cyclotouristic Maps” series.

The map was edited using the latest mapping techniques and it was printed on moisture resistant paper. It is easy to read and simple to use due to the mapping styles, specific to Schubert & Franzke company, and as a result of practical information structuring. It is handy and everything is exactly where it should be. The map is useful for both hiking enthusiasts and professionals.

All the trails have been recorded in the field using a GPS. They are described in detail in both Romanian and English, some trails having representative images attached to them. Each trail has a technical box containing: trail route checked in the field, profile with major landmarks, data on difficulty, length, total ascent, total descent and so on. The map also contains the UTM grid, a projected coordinate metric system useful in the quick measurement of distances on the map. Shading and contour lines highlight the landscape and facilitate orientation.

Enjoy this map up on the sunny peaks of the Mountains.

Where to buy

Stores and book-stores where you can buy the map:


VERSUM NOVEL SRL, Libraria Librim, Sf. Gheorghe, Strada Gróf Mikó Imre 7, 0743 244 269

Librăria de Artă Guadeamus, Cluj-Napoca str. Iuliu Maniu nr. 3, 0264 439 281,

Magazin Montrek, Bucureşti str. Dr. Raureanu nr. 8 sector 5, 021 315 92 58,

ERASMUS Büchercafe/Librărie-Cafenea, Sibiu Piaţa Mare nr. 7, 0269 223 074,

ERASMUS Büchercafe/Librărie-Cafenea, Mediaş str. George Enescu nr. 8, 0269 843 384,

Librăria Bastilia (Librarium Grup), Bucureşti Piaţa Romană nr. 5, 021 315 43 14,,

Libraium Sun Plaza (Librarium Grup), Bucureşti Calea Văcăreşti, Sun Plaza Shopping Center Et. 1,,

Librăria Cartea de Nisip (Librarium Grup), Timişoara str. Victor Vlad Delamarina nr. 1 (Colţ cu Alba-Iulia), 0256 433 094,,

Librăria Book Corner (Librarium Grup), Cluj-Napoca Bd. Eroilor nr. 15, 0264 450 130,,

Librăria Universităţii (Librarium Grup), Cluj-Napoca str. Universităţii nr. 1, 0364 733 722,

Librăria Avant Garde (Librarium Grup), Iaşi str. Alexandru Lapuşneanu nr. 16, 0332 408 477,,

Librăria Palas (Librarium Grup), Iaşi str. Palas nr. 7A, Palas Shopping Mall, 0332 730 743,

Librăriile Ralu, Braşov str. Mureşenilor nr. 12, 0268 510 013 / 0268 411 986,

Librăria St. O. Iosif, Braşov str. Mureşenilor nr. 14, 0268 477 799,