mn10 trascau

MN10 - The map of TRASCAULUI Mountains

18,00 RON

Where to buy


The Trascau Mountains are a subunit of the Apuseni Mountains, which are part of the Western Carpathians. The mountain has a northeast - southwest orientation and it is about 75 km long.

The mountains are bordered by Tureni Valley to the north and Ampoi Valley to the south. Unlike the eastern border represented by Alba Iulia-Turda Corridor and Aiud Hills, the western border is less clear and it somehow merges with that of the Metaliferi (Ore) Mountains and Muntele Mare (Big) Mountain.

In terms of geology, the Trascau Mountains are made up of very diverse rocks, but the most obvious and representative is the limestone.

Karst topography is represented by beautiful gorge sectors: Turda, Ramet, Intregalde, Valisoara, Tureni, Cetea, Ampoita, Plaiul, Galda, etc.; karst plateaus: Coltii Trascaului-Piatra Secuiului, Bedeleu, Ramet, Ciumerna; knife-like ridges and isolated massifs: Piatra Cetii Rock, Piatra Craivii Rock, Pleasa Rametului, Piatra Grohotisului Rock, etc.; caves: Huda lui Papara, Poarta Zmeilor (Dragon Gate), Bisericuta (The church), etc.; and spectacular canyons: Aries (between Salciua de Jos and Moldovenesti), Hasdate, Tureni, Rachis, etc.

The highest peak is Dambau Peak, 1,369 m, located in the southern part of the mountains. Despite their low elevation compared to other mountains in the Romanian Carpathians, the Trascau Mountains are extremely spectacular due to both the limestone landscape and the old and isolated rural settlements, real outdoor museums. Those who dare to visit these places have a fairly extensive choice of marked tourist trails.


The map of Trascaului Mountains MN10 is the 10th map of the new Muntii Nostri collection.

The map was edited using the latest mapping techniques and it was printed on moisture resistant paper. It is easy to read and simple to use due to the mapping styles, specific to Schubert & Franzke company, and as a result of practical information structuring. It is handy and everything is exactly where it should be. The map is useful for both hiking enthusiasts and professionals.

All the trails have been recorded in the field using a GPS. They are described in detail in both Romanian and English, some trails having representative images attached to them. Each trail has a technical box containing: trail marking checked in the field, trail route, profile with major landmarks, data on difficulty, length, total ascent, total descent, round-trip time, practicability depending on the season and so on. The map also contains the UTM grid, a projected coordinate metric system useful in the quick measurement of distances on the map. Shading and contour lines highlight the landscape and facilitate orientation.

The application created for iOS and Android will dissipate the nostalgic aura of the map, giving the product the technical complexity required for this century.

Enjoy this map up on the sunny peaks of Trascaului Mountains, scrutinizing the horizon for the neighboring peaks, which will soon give the names of the following maps of Muntii Nostri hiking map collection.

Where to buy

Stores and book-stores where you can buy the map:


VERSUM NOVEL SRL, Libraria Librim, Sf. Gheorghe, Strada Gróf Mikó Imre 7, 0743 244 269

Magazin Scarpa, Timișoara, Bulevardul Revoluției 1989  nr. 4, 0356464015,

Librăria AGIR, Bdul. Dacia nr.26, Sector 1, București, telefon 021/319.49.45,

Librăriile Ralu, Braşov, str. Mureşenilor nr. 12, 0268 510 013 / 0268 411 986,

Librăriile Humanitas, Bucureşti, Braşov, Cluj-Napoca, Galaţi, Oradea, Alba Iulia, Sibiu, Râmnicu Vâlcea, Ploieşti, 021 408 83 50,

Librăria ,,Nicolae Steinhardt” Casa Carţii, Bistriţa, str. Mihai Eminescu nr. 4-5, 0263 233 419,

Librăria George Coşbuc, Bistriţa, str. Liviu Rebreanu nr. 2-4, 0263 217 563,

Librăria Radu Petrescu, Bistriţa, Piaţa Petru Rareş nr. 1, 0263 212 306,

Librăria Mihai Eminescu, Bucureşti, Bd. Regina Elisabeta nr. 16 sector 3, 021 314 23 83,

Librăria Cărtureşti Verona, Bucureşti, str. Arthur Verona 13-15, Sector 1, 021 317 34 59,

Librăria Cărtureşti Carusel, Bucureşti, str. Lipscani nr. 55, Centrul Istoric, 0728 828 922,

Librăria Cărtureşti AFI, Bucureşti, Bd. Vasile Milea nr. 4, Sector 6 (AFI Palace Cotroceni), 0734 554 426,

Librăria Cărtureşti Nord, Şoseaua Bucureşti-Ploieşti 42D, Băneasa Shopping City Etaj 1, 0734 554 445,

Librăria Cărtureşti Floreasca, Bucureşti, Calea Floreasca nr. 246B, Sector 1 (Promenada Mall), 0734 554 444,

Librăria Cărtureşti AFI Ploieşti, Ploieşti, str. Calomfirescu nr. 2, parter (AFI Palace Ploiesti), 0734 554 446,

Librăria Cărtureşti Cluj, Cluj-Napoca, str. Alexandru Vaida-Voievod nr. 53-55, parter (Iulius Mall), 0732 003 008,

Librăria Cărtureşti Polus Cluj, Floreşti, str. Avram Iancu nr. 492-500 (Polus Center Intrarea 3), 0732003054,

Librăria Cărtureşti Iulius Mall Timişoara, Timişoara, str. Demetriade nr. 1, extinderea Iulius Mall, et. 1, 0356 459 855 / 0732 003 007,

Librăria Cărtureşti Mercy, Timişoara, str. Mercy nr. 7, 0356 458 210 / 0732 003 006,

Librăria Cărtureşti Constanţa, Constanţa, Bd. Alexandru Lăpuşneanu nr. 116C, parter (City Park Mall), 0341 462 879,

Librăria Cărtureşti Suceava, Suceava, str. Unirii nr. 22 (Iuliu Mall), 0330 803 086,

Librăria Cărtureşti Iaşi, Iaşi, str. Tudor Vladimirescu nr. 2, et. 2 (Iulius Mall), 0732 003 005,

Librăria Cărtureşti Palas, Iaşi, str. Ştefan cel Mare şi Sfânt nr. 1 A (Palas Mall), 0734 554 439,

Librăria Cărtureşti Braşov, Braşov, Piaţa Sfatului nr. 20 (Mureşenilor spre Şchei), 0368 409 015,

Librăria Cărtureşti Arad, Arad, str. Aurel Vlaicu nr. 10-12 (Atrium Center), 0732 003 066,

Magazin Montrek, Bucureşti, str. Dr. Raureanu nr. 8 sector 5, 021 315 92 58,

Librăria de Artă Gaudeamus, Cluj-Napoca, str. Iuliu Maniu nr. 3, 0264 439 281,

Magazin Altisport, Cluj-Napoca, Bd. 21 Decembrie 1989 nr.7/9 (str. David Francisc colţ cu str. Brassai în spatele Magazinului Sora), 0264 590 743,

Librăria Cartea de Nisip (Librarium Grup), Timişoara, str. Victor Vlad Delamarina nr. 1 (Colţ cu Alba -Iulia), 0256 433 094,,

Librăria Book Corner (Librarium Grup), Cluj-Napoca, Bd. Eroilor nr. 15, 0264 450 130,,

Librăria Universităţii (Librarium Grup), Cluj-Napoca, str. Universităţii nr. 1, 0364 733 722,

Librăria Palas (Librarium Grup), Iaţi, str. Palas nr. 7A, Palas Shopping Mall, 0332 730 743,

Librăria St. O. Iosif, Brasov, str. Muresenilor nr. 14, 0268 477 799,

Magazin Matop, Cluj-Napoca, str. Sighişoarei nr. 11, ap.25, demisol, 0264 436 343,

Roser Anticariat, Cluj-Napoca, str. Matei Corvin nr. 3, 0264 594 131

ERASMUS Büchercafe/Librărie-Cafenea, Sibiu, Piaţa Mare nr. 7, 0269 223 074,

ERASMUS Büchercafe/Librărie-Cafenea, Mediaş, str. George Enescu nr. 8, 0269 843 384,

Magazin Maramont, Baia Mare, str. 1 Mai nr. 12 , 0262 215 694,

Magazin ProAlpin, Braşov, str. De Mijloc nr. 6, 0729 138 955,

Piaţa de, 021 367 52 28,

Magazin Nootka, Cluj-Napoca, str. Dacia nr. 1, 0264 433 946,

Magazin Nootka, Bucuresti, Strada Patriei nr. 3 , 0729-666.852,

Magazin Alpin Expe Oradea, Str. Primariei Nr.9, 0746.14.46.02 / 0259.431.069

MG Net Distribution, București, str. Mihailescu Vintiulă nr 19 sector 6,,

Scopus, Târgu Mureș, Bulevardul 1 Decembrie 1918 nr 96,  0265 231 366

Arnika Libri, Odorheiul Secuiesc, str. Kossuth Lajos nr 13

Cami Invest, Alba Iulia, Bulevardul Hores nr 1 A

INSPIRATIO, Brașov, Strada Curtea Johannes Honterus nr 1,

COMPACT SA, Brașov, Bulevardul Mihail Kogalniceanu nr 13 bl C2

Sport Guru, București, Bulevardul Unirii nr. 69, 0374 05 00 29,

Sport Guru, București, Șos. Pipera nr. 44, 0374 99 29 99,

Sport Guru, Cluj Napoca, Str. Ploiești nr. 39-45, 0374 027 028,

Sport Guru, Brașov, Str. Mihai Viteazu nr. 42, 0374 800 300,

Sport Guru, București, Mall Plaza Romania, Bulevardul Timișoara nr. 26, 0374 05 69 00,


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